Sunday, July 12, 2009

Termine esta ilustracion hace un tiempo pero no me di el tiempo de ir a escanearla completa ya que mi escaner es muy chico, tengo que llevarlo en camion a ver a donde asi que mejor decidi tomarle una de mis crapy fotos, auch!sorry!!

Materiales: Papel Marquilla, acrilicos Grumbacher, Faber-Castell black color.


When I update the playlist music a week or so ago I included this japanese band D'espairsRay, ther music as their name clearly says goes from light to dark from rock-pop to rock-metal and that's why I like them. If interested you can go to their Official webD'espairsRay or their My Space.

Mail Me Art 2

Mail Me Art is a British-based project, run by Darren Di Lieto, the founder and co-editor of the illustration news portal the Little Chimp Society.
The first Mail Me Art project brought together a vast collection of artistic work sent in the form of mail by both professional and amateur artists of all ages from across the world.
Now The Mail Me Art 2 it's open for submissions.

I think that this project it's really interesting and fun.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

ADO 4 elements Doll challenge

For all doll makers new and old a challenge and an excuse for making an art doll. For more detailes

Up! or high? XD

My sisters and I went to see the Up! Movie by disney pixar, because my little sister got good grades at school and because my grandma was visiting us she went too, my cousin have told us that the 3D version was something out of this world and that the price was totally worth it! I am pretty sure that my cousin was high when he went to see the movie!! O___o? XD don't get me wrong it's a good movie to watch and all the work in it it's really amaizing but the normal version do the job very well and it's less expensive, anyways! it's a very cute movie, the graphics are great and everyone can see it.


Dos nuevas mariposas, al fin terminadas!; esto de las mariposas se me ocurrio por que recuerdo que pasaba por una tienda de mascotas donde tenian mariposas disecadas enmarcadas y se veian muy bonitas y yo queria una, en ese entonces costaban 250$ pesos mexicanos y a mi me remordia la conciencia!!! de que las disecaran para tenerlas de adorno y que para colmo me gustaran O__o! Entonces decidi hacerme mis propias mariposas!! dah! XD

Use acrilicos Grumbacher sobre papel, a veces uso guarro mediano (es papel para acuarela) y otras uso marquilla.